
The Insurance Act 2015 and Marine Insurance & Introduction to Southampton and English Legal Study

发布人: 董晓晴 | 发布时间: 2016-11-14 | 阅读数:

He will talk about the recent changes in the English Insurance Act 2015 and analyse the impact on the area of marine insurance. As the Chinese Insurance Law and Maritime Code have largely borrowed the concepts from the English insurance law and practice, his talk will generally benefit the students, even for those not planning to study English law. A brief introduction to Southampton and English legal study will also be followed up after the academic seminar.

Speaker Bio

James Davey is Professor of Insurance & Commercial Law at the University of Southampton. He is a member of the Institute of Maritime Law and Co-Director of the Insurance Law Research Group. His work on insurance contract law has been used in argument before the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, and he has advised both industry and government on related matters.

For further information on the Institute of Maritime Law, see . Details of the Law School’s LLM in Maritime Law can be found at 

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