

发布人: 苏晓君 | 发布时间: 2019-11-05 | 阅读数:



Ana María Daza Vargas博士,国籍:玻利维亚。她目前是爱丁堡大学法学院的讲师,她的研究兴趣包括WTO法、国际投资法、国际仲裁、国际水法等领域。她尤其对国际投资法与其他领域,如环境、水资源治理、武装冲突等问题的跨学科研究感兴趣。她同时还在邓迪大学水法、政策和科学中心以及荷兰马斯特里赫特大学教授有关课程。她曾多年担任玻利维亚公共设立管理系统(Public Utility Regulatory System)的法律专家和主任,对投资者与国家间在电信、电力、运输和水利等领域的纠纷提供法律意见。

Ana María Daza Vargas joined the University of Edinburgh in 2013 as teaching fellow in international economic law. She teaches international investment law, WTO Law, international commercial arbitration and public international law. Recently Ana María’s research interests have focused on the intersection between international investment law and other areas of law, such as environmental, domestic and water law and policy, and the law of armed conflict. For several years Ana María worked as Legal Officer and Legal Director at the Public Utility Regulatory System (SIRESE) in Bolivia, advising on appeals brought by foreign and national investors against the decision of utility regulators.



Title: International Investment Law and Water Resources Management: An Introduction

Water facilities are an indispensable part of the public utilities in a state. However, developing countries, due to financial restraint, lack the funding necessary for building such facilities, and therefore often have to rely on foreign investment. Entangled in the intricate relationship between investors, host government and local people in the process of construction and operation, are such complicated legal issues as investor protection, governmental authority over public affairs, and local people’s right to water. These legal issues, if not dealt with carefully, will easily lead to conflicts. This lecture aims to examine such a difficult problem and reveal to the audience the legal relationship between various actors, focus of conflicts, key legal challenges and possible ways forward.