
2013 年度“汉坤青年法律奖学金”正式启动

发布人: 刘洁 | 发布时间: 2013-03-25 | 阅读数:
此奖学金以支持中国法律从业人员素质素养的提高,鼓励优秀法律人才的深造,促进我国法律行业的持久进步与繁荣为目的,旨在褒奖以优异成绩毕业于中国内地正规院校、即将进入国内外知名法学院攻读研究生以上学位、并有志于在学业完成后在中国内地从事法律职业的优秀青年学子。 奖学金年度总额为 50 万元人民币,授予经过正式选拔脱颖而出的5 位优秀青年法律学子,每人分别授予奖学金10 万元人民币。本奖学金2012 年度选拔及颁奖取得了圆满成功。2013 年度奖学金工作已经展开。 如欲获得奖学金的更多信息(包括申请资格、申请材料、评选程序等),请参见《2013年度汉坤青年法律奖学金申请规程》以及《2013 年度汉坤青年法律奖学金申请表》。 如果您对申请奖学金有任何疑问,请发电子邮件至 scholarship@hankunlaw.com。 Han Kun launches its 2013 Han Kun Youth Legal Scholarship Program Han Kun launches its 2013 Han Kun Youth Legal Scholarship Program. This Scholarship is aimed to enhance the professional skills of Chinese legal practitioners, encourage outstanding legal talents to pursue advanced legal studies, and promote the sustainable progress and prosperity of China’s legal industry. The purpose of the Scholarship is to award those exceptional young graduates from domestic universities with outstanding academic records who are going to attend top-tier Chinese or foreign law schools for postgraduate degree or above with a plan to pursue a legal career in Mainland China after completion of their advanced legal studies in China or abroad. The Scholarship totals RMB 500,000 annually and will be awarded to five outstanding law students, with each receiving RMB 100,000. The selection and awarding ceremony of the Scholarship in 2012 has already been successfully held. The selection process of the Scholarship for 2013 is currently underway. For more details regarding this Scholarship (e.g., application eligibility, application materials,selection procedures), please refer to “The Application Policy of 2013 Han Kun Youth Legal Scholarship” and “The Application Form of 2013 Han Kun Youth Legal Scholarship”. For any questions on application, please e-mail to scholarship@hankunlaw.com.

